
Installing the PICBasic PRO toolsuite will allow you to compile your Firewing projects for many other PIC18 devices. Please note that you must have PICBasic PRO installed on your system for this toolsuite to work. It must be the GOLD edition.

Install the PICBasic Toolsuite into Firewing

Download and unzip this file into the following folder:


then restart the Firewing IDE. All you need to do is select the the "PICBasic PRO" compiler from the main toolbar, shown here

Install a Device File into Firewing

To add new devices, you need to download the following and select the device you want to use and place in the Firewing includes folder. For example,

  c:\program files\mecanique\firewing\includes\18F4550.bas

Please note that for Windows 7 users, the paths to the include files will be a little different. Something like:


To use the new device in your code, just use:

device = 18F4550

at the very top of your program. You should see the device change in the code explorer window, like this:

Please take some time to look at the file generated. Remember, it may need tweaking as it has been automatically generated - refer to the datasheet. Also note that Microchip, on occasions, have the wrong information supplied in their own files! If the device you want to use is not included in the above download, try using the system generator to create your own.

Please note that people at the nest don't currently have the resources to support all of the device files and toolsuites that fall outside of the standard Firewing installation. The above will work but any problems and you need to post on the forum and look for user support. If posting on the forum, make it clear you are using a different device file and toolsuite from the standard install. Thanks.