
Here is some Pseudo random number generator modules that I use alot and I have ported to Firewing.

Thanks to David Eather and Ahmed Lazreg (Octal) for the original code.

Example of using all modules:

' Imports section...
imports RandByte
imports RandUshort
imports RandGen

' Declarations...
dim i as byte = 0 
dim x as ushort = 0
dim y as uinteger = 0

Sub Main()
   RandByte.InitializeRNDbyte(4)'if desired
   RandUshort.InitializeRNDushort(4)'if desired
   RandGen.InitializeRandGen(119)'if desired
   RandGen.SetRndMax(10)'return a random number between 0 - 9

   while true                   
      ' get random number from byte/ushort...
      i = GetRNDbyte() 
      x = GetRNDushort()
      y = GetRndNum()

      ' write data to console...
      Console.Write("byte = ",str(i)," ushort = ",str(x)," RandGen = ",str(y),13,10)
   end while
End Sub 

Example of Console output:

Module One - returns Random Byte:

'*  Name    : RandByte.BAS                                                   *
'*  Author  : Gavin Wiggett                                                  *
'*          :                                                                *
'*  Date    : 20/05/2013                                                     *
'*  Version : 1.0                                                            *
'*  Notes   : call InitializeRNDbyte(pValue) with a value between 0-255      *
'*          : call GetRNDbyte() to get a Byte 0 to 255                       *
'*          : many thanks goes to David Eather for the original code.        *

Module RandByte

 Dim LCG as byte = 84
 dim GLFSR As Byte = 1

Public Function GetRNDbyte() As Byte

 'Galios LFSR
 If (GLFSR And 1) = 1 Then
  GLFSR = GLFSR Xor 135 '135 is the tap 
  GLFSR = (GLFSR >> 1) Or &H80
  GLFSR = (GLFSR >> 1)
 End If
    return GLFSR Xor LCG 
End Function

Public Sub InitializeRNDbyte(ByVal ReSeed As Byte)
 LCG = ReSeed
 GLFSR = LCG Xor &H55 'just making the start values very different - not realy important
 If GLFSR = 0 Then   'except that GLFSR must not be zero
 End If
End Sub

End Module 

Module Two - returns Random Ushort:

'*  Name    : RandUshort.BAS                                                 *
'*  Author  : Gavin Wiggett                                                  *
'*          :                                                                *
'*  Date    : 20/05/2013                                                     *
'*  Version : 1.0                                                            *
'*  Notes   : call InitializeRND(pValue) with a value between 0-65535        *
'*          : call GetRND() to get a Byte 0 to 65535                         *
'*          : many thanks goes to David Eather for the original code.        *

Module RandUshort

 Dim LCG as ushort = 21844
 dim GLFSR As UShort = 1

Public Function GetRNDushort() As UShort

 'Galios LFSR
 If (GLFSR And 1) = 1 Then
  GLFSR = GLFSR Xor 447 '447 is the tap value
  GLFSR = (GLFSR >> 1) Or &H8000
  GLFSR = (GLFSR >> 1)
 End If
    return GLFSR Xor LCG 
End Function

Public Sub InitializeRNDushort(ByVal ReSeed As UShort)
 LCG = ReSeed
 GLFSR = LCG Xor &H5555 'just making the start values very different - not realy important
 If GLFSR = 0 Then     'except that GLFSR must not be zero 
 End If
End Sub

End Module 

Module Three - returns Random UInteger (with option to return Max set value) :

'*  Name    : RandGen.BAS                                                    *
'*  Author  : Gavin Wiggett                                                  *
'*          :                                                                *   
'*  Date    : 20/05/2013                                                     *
'*  Version : 1.0                                                            *
'*                                                                           *
'*  Notes   : A Rudimentary Pseudo Random Number Generator (Modulo based)    *
'*  Usage   : Call Initialize() to initialize the Initial value of the       *
'*          : generator. The generator gives better values when the initial  *
'*          : seed value is a Prime Number.                                  *
'*          : For the same Initial Seed, you will get the same serie of      *
'*          : generated values. This let you repeat some experiences (and    *
'*          : this is why it's called a PSEUDO-random number generator.      *
'*          : If you need an automatic different initial value each time you *
'*          : start the number generator, you can set the initial value to   *
'*          : the read of an ADC value on a FLOATING Analog PIN of a PIC.    *
'*          : Call Rand() to get/generate a new random value                 *
'*          :                                                                *
'*          : You can try to change the Magic Values to change the           *
'*          : Pseudo-Random Number Generator Behaviour                       *
'*          :                                                                *
'*          : Many thanks to Ahmed Lazreg (Octal) for the original code      *

Module RandGen

private Const MagicA = 1103515245
private Const MagicB = 12345

Private Dim RndMax As UInteger ' Maximum number generated by the generator
Private Dim Seed As UInteger

'* Name    : GetRndNum()                                                    *
'* Purpose : Return a new Pseudo Random Number each time called             *
Public Function GetRndNum() As UInteger
   Seed = Seed * MagicA + MagicB
   return (Seed >> 16) mod RndMax
End Function

'* Name    : InitializeRandGen()                                            *
'* Purpose : Initialize the Random number generator                         *
'*         : The initial value could be a Value read from a Floating Analog *
'*         : PIC Pin.                                                       *
Public Sub InitializeRandGen(ByVal InitialSeed As UInteger, optional pRndMax As UInteger = 255)
    RndMax = pRndMax
    Seed = InitialSeed
End Sub

'* Name    : SetRndMax()                                                    *
'* Purpose : Sets the Max Value that the Random number gen can generate     *
Public Sub SetRndMax(ByVal pRndMax As UInteger)
    RndMax = pRndMax
End Sub

End Module