
We have tried to make this site as open as possible. The aim of this site is to make it very easy for users to create and edit online content for topics contained within the Firewing User group.


You do not have to register in order to edit or create new topics under the Firewing User section of the size. However, to prevent automated posting to the site you will need to use the following user name and password...

 username : firewing
 password : user

The user name and password may change from time to time, so check this page before trying to edit or post content.

Editing Content

Creating and editing online content is really easy. You can practice in the sandbox area. It might also be worth taking a quick look at basic editing techniques. However, don't worry too much about all the editing and formatting rules. It's the content that matters. Others will often come along and reformat things for you.

Please do not use this site to ask support questions. Use the Firewing online forum instead.

Finally, please keep the content focused around Firewing. The administration team reserve the right to remove any content they feel it is inappropriate.

Uploading Files

Uploading files is really easy. For example, if you wanted to upload a file called "my_image.jpg", then just type


then when you save the page you are editing, just click on the "my_image.jpg" link to upload the file.