In my opinion, Firewing badly needs an update. The microcontroller used is old, of old technology. The speed now is 70MIPS(140MHz) and there are the 5vcc native devices - that we really want. Remember, the 5Vcc native is the main reason people are coming back to PIC18F... and AVR. And the PDIP case, of course.
A simple translation of the header file is not enough for the devices with the increased speed. The code generated for the clock is wrong. BTW, a development board is designed always around the micro with the biggest flash size.
PIC24 and dsPIC33 are an amazing 16bit micros, is really a shame that are not promoted as it should and there are no open source tools that supports them. So we are forced back on 8bit or up to 32bit micros that mostly means STM32... An amazing world that remains unexplored by the "makers". It would be the solution against Cortex M0 cores...
But what do I know? I'm just a bum who rarely affords to buy a microcontroller or two!